Monday, June 15, 2015

The Price of Privilege | Sofia Speculates (8)

So this has been me the past few months...

And wait until you hear why...
I'm going to be in Stockholm, Helsinki & London for 15 days in June

Your opinion...

I know, I know. I'm a spoiled 21st century brat who believes she's entitled to life

Why I didn't want to go...
I would miss all of the end of the year festivities at my school - dance, ceremony, class trip, game day - and the end of a lot of projects/tests.

What I finally concluded...

And this is why...

Thank the heavens I finally came to my senses. 

While timing can most certainly be a bitch, I am so fortunate that my family has the means to go to these foreign countries. When I said goodbye to my teachers/friends, I learned that the majority of them have never been outside of the country and it seemed perfectly absurd to want something other than the amazing opportunity at hand. The cultural experience of eating foreign foods, being dragged to museums, and galavanting around the city is one that I shouldn't want to trade for anything and I am so glad I finally came to my senses.

Backstory | This post was inspired by a book I can only hope to read one day. Also known as one of my parents was reading it and couldn't stop mentioning it in super annoying way only parents can do when they're trying to guilt you into something or subtly point out that obviously 100% well-rounded, puppy-loving straight A, charity worker child you should be more like. In all seriousness, I do honestly want to read this book just for the sake of gaining insight on the professional opinion on this subject. In reality, this post is only based on what I ASSUME this The Price of Privilege to be about.  

Bringing it back to what this post was based off of, I am incredibly privileged and I really need to take a step back and appreciate what I have instead of scoffing or being ungrateful.

What was a time you didn't realize the price of privilege?

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